Global Warming Causing Arctic Cold To Migrate South

It was -9F (-23C) in Juarez, Mexico this week.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Global Warming Causing Arctic Cold To Migrate South

  1. latitude says:

    You know…
    I hate that map.
    It’s impossible for anything to be “normal”, it’s either yellow (above normal) or green (below normal), never normal…….

    If you factor in their error bars, over half the country is normal………..

  2. MikeTheDenier says:

    I can hear it now…..Global warming caused Earth’s magnetic field to flip

    Terrence Aym: Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Cold and snow in Dallas causing Super Bowl problems today:

    ……four of 10 gates at Cowboys Stadium are closed…..f ans waiting several hours to get through security and into the stadium…..The closure of gates made it difficult to enter the stadium…..

    ……workers were still installing temporary seats in the level’s west end — three hours before kickoff…….The ticket holders won the chance to buy $600 tickets through a lottery, and would be seated in a section comprised of temporary seats.

  4. Mike Davis says:

    Because of all the “Global Warming” in the Arctic the cold had to go somewhere or it would not be able to survive and like other “Snow Birds” it decided to take a vacation from Winter in Texas!

  5. LG says:

    Is there any possible explanation why we continue to have 50 degree temperature lows in North Carolina during MAY? I swear, for the past couple years it seems as if the state has kept colder temperatures beyond late March-early April..(by that time normally things have heated up for good..) But lately, it has been unusually cool for this time of the season. It’s spring, right? So why is it taking so long for the temperatures to (permanently) rise? If someone can give me any idea what is the possible reason for this strange change with the climate I am all ears!! Thanks,

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