Global Warming In Boston

A Russian friend living in Boston sent me this alarming note about Global Warming.

We are having a Russian style winter in Boston.
We had a snowfall after a snowfall.
Streets are like trenches because of the snow.
Turns are hazardous – one can not see anything behind the snow piles.

I spent the Global Cooling Winter of 1976 in Boston, and it sounds like they are having a repeat. Only this time the snow is hot, whereas in 1976 it was cold. Amazing how heat and cold can have exactly the same symptoms.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Global Warming In Boston

  1. Jonathan Lizotte says:

    I’m 46 and have been driving for 30 years. I used to live in Western Massachusetts, and now live in Connecticut. I don’t ever before remember it being this bad to pull out of a driveway. You simply can not see over the 5 to 7 foot snowbanks. Turns are hazardous. I used to feel pretty bad about the prospect of global warming, as I enjoy snow and winter. But now that Algore says global warming means colder and snowier winters I’m all for it. I need to buy a bigger SUV and add to my CO2 footprint.

  2. It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

    So if there is record snow this year it will be because of record global warming? Do I have that right?

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