Global Warming Making Conditions Similar To What They Were Like Before Global Warming

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Global Warming Making Conditions Similar To What They Were Like Before Global Warming

  1. latitude says:

    Even though we’ve broken low temp records and snow fall records….
    …it would have been a lot colder if CO2 hadn’t warmed us up

    I used to think it might be the water they drink, now I think it’s the fluorescent lights

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Record high sea surface temperature? They must be spending too much time with James Hansen. ARGO buoys show a cooling trend in earth waters. Hansen dropped ARGO buoys from his data. That immediately added 0.24 to is temperature set.

    The world needs to be saved from global warming James Hansen.

  3. Jeff K says:

    All that global warming in 1917-1918-I’m going to have to ask my grandmother if her parents were worried about the obvious warming going on to cause those two very large cyclones in the world.

  4. Dave N says:

    Yeah, the temps off the coast of Qld are real high:


  5. Tokamak says:

    ‘It’s very similar to the event in 1917-18’ So now we know, it was the Germans releasing all of that deadly CO2 at Ypres and there was me thinking they used chlorine gas.

  6. Andy Weiss says:

    The 1917/1918 winter was extremely cold and snowy over much of the US, for whatever that is worth.

  7. PhilJourdan says:

    If this keeps up, we will all die of sameness!

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