Global Warming Ruining Rice

NEW DELHI: An experiment by Indian agriculture scientists points to the enormous effect global warming could have on the fragrant basmati rice. Basmati, Sanskrit for the fragrant one, may lose not just its aroma, the famous long grains may get shorter, say scientists.

H Pathak, principal investigator of Indian Agricultural Research Institute’s Climate Change Challenge Programme, told TOI the Tarawari basmati grown in research fields in Delhi did not grow long enough and wasn’t as fragrant as it should have been when cooked.

He said  global warming may be to blame for the disappointing basmati produced in the 2006-2007 experiment. Temperatures that year crossed 26 degree Celsius in September when the basmati flowers and, 15 to 20 days later, when the grain begins to fill out, because of which a shrivelling of the grain was seen.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Global Warming Ruining Rice

  1. Dave N says:

    “India’s Basmati rice production for the year 2008-09 was around 3 million tons but for crop season 2009-2010 it was estimated at 4.5 million tonnes,an increase of 50% from previous year’s production”

    AGW doesn’t seem to be slowing down production. Shame that report doesn’t say whether the grains are shorter or less aromatic. I’m guessing not.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    They are talking about variable annual weather events during growing season. To better understand the effect of changing weather patterns they would need a 180 year study to include at minimum 3 known long term weather patterns that affect that region. Taking one year to make any type of claim is just providing an unscientific WAG to the discussion.

  3. BT Harley says:

    may, could, should, may…weasels again, no, weasels still…

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