Global Warming To Cost Trillions Of Dollars

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Global Warming To Cost Trillions Of Dollars

  1. Mike Davis says:

    When that “Bubble Bursts” as it must, there will be a whole bunch of money lost by those foolish enough to believe in the “Green” Fantasy! Unless it bursts there will be no chance for economic recovery as they will continue digging the hole deeper.

  2. Tony Duncan says:

    Interesting that the article actually says the trillions would be from lack of policy and coordination now

    • Paul H says:

      Even more interesting that the article says “could cost institutional investors trillions of dollars”.

      Not surprising then that there is so much pressure to push ahead with “climate change policy action”.

  3. jheath says:

    Sounds like splendid news. All those cast iron funds waiting to take taxpayers’ and energy customers’ money guaranteed by nice “environmentally friendly” governments may have to go elsewhere into the real world to make money.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    “…estimates the rate of investment into low carbon technologies (T), the impacts (I) on the physical environment and the implied cost of carbon resulting from global policy (P) developments across the four climate scenarios. ”

    Looking at their formula it would appear that the factor (I) = zero.

    However the factors (T) & (P) are potentially huge, and they are both artificial forces on the market inflicted by out of control “green” policies. So it is actually AGW policies costing trillions of dollars.

  5. Charles Higley says:

    I’ll bet the supposed projected losses would be the trillions lost by not pushing the green technology, propping up useless failed businesses with huge subsidies, and the rewards the stock holders of these failed ventures would make – count these as losses although they were never real. And add on the losses on the original investment that they will suffer now.

    So, are we evil for their investing in a scam, putting billions into government invented business venture that never get off government life support? I think not. Who’s to blame? I say Al Gore. He’s been running around the world giving investment advice based on this inside knowledge of the government agenda. These people deserve to lose everything as they did not do their due diligence and figure out that the scam would eventually break down and fail.

  6. It’s just money. What are you worried about?

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