“Cynics” argue that scientists shouldn’t engage in fraud.
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- David M Kitting on Warmest March On Record
- william on New Climate Metric
Earthquake helping global warming along by breaking the holy glacier
Well tell that to Senator Inhofe.
Steven provided us with the “unadulterated “Press Release from NOAA! WUWT and CA did a bit of research unlike “Repeaters” of the MSM are prone to do!
CA has a completely different version of this. Yes Cynics do agree that scientists are not paid to engage in fraud.
The part I enjoyed was the “Divergence ” of recalled events between Susan Solomon and the Legal counsel! If it is not in writing it did not happen! The Ozone Queen Strikes again.
Some people say you shouldn’t investigate yourself?
If you are honest you will always find yourself guilty!!!!! If you are a Climatologist you will find your work ethics perfect and above reproach!
“Cynics” argue that scientists shouldn’t engage in fraud.
Yeh, but that’s just a bunch of naysayers, what do they know, these are climate scientists!
The foxes have exonerated the other foxes gaurding the hen house. Congratulations!
Nothing says exoneration like
“we were unable to reconcile the divergent accounts [of Solomon versus the NOAA attorneys]”
HIDE THE DECLINE!!!!!!! in trust!