Greens Incapable Of Being Honest About Anything, Ever?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Greens Incapable Of Being Honest About Anything, Ever?

  1. suyts says:

    Exactly. their belief system places a higher value on furtherance of an agenda rather than the keeping of character. See current discussion @ climate audit for an example of just that.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Did another little study of my own. Of course, it hasn’t been peer reviewed, but anyone can do so by going to the NWS site for Chicago.

    The Chicago NWS had every month ranked from top to bottom since 1871 as far as being the warmist or coldest. I picked out the top ten warmest months on record for each month of the calander.

    It turned out during the 10 years since 2000, 7% of the 120 months in question made the top ten warmest on record. That is about exactly what it should be for 140 years of records. Not any trend at all toward warming.

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