Guardian : Police Shoot A Dead Protester

Sounds like a waste of a bullet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Guardian : Police Shoot A Dead Protester

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    And so it begins. Food prices were the spark to this forest fire. How high will food prices go? And biofuel program exacerbate the problem. People will continue to die from biofuel programs. Manmade global warming mythology is killing real people.

    Inflation in food:

    • truthsword says:

      In all seriousness, this why I am most against this AGW crap. First with the DDT thing and now with this, bogus environmental concerns have killed millions of people. It is sick and horrible and I don’t understand how anyone could be a part of it or even support it.

      If you believed in the DDT thing, ozone hole nonsense or now AGW, please reconsider. You have enable or are enabling the killing of millions of people. Please think about what you are really doing. This is no noble cause, it is all about money and eugenics and is already killing people and will continue to do so. I may poke fun, but deep down this is a painful issue because I see it no different than the willful murder of millions of people.

  2. AndyW says:

    Amino Acid gets it wrong again. This is nothing to do with food prices in Bahrain.

    Do some research for once.


  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Must be the same sub-editor who works on the environment section.

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