Hansen’s Air Supply : Making Data …. Out Of Nothing At All …..

Hansen 1200 km extrapolated. The Earth has a fever.


Hansen 250km on an equal area projection below. Grey is missing data. The man has some creative skills to produce the map above!


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Hansen’s Air Supply : Making Data …. Out Of Nothing At All …..

  1. maguro says:

    Here’s the video, Feel free to imagine James Hansen in the starring role.

  2. jonjayray says:

    Can we have links for at least the first graphic?

  3. pwl says:

    The James Hansen NASA climate data Fabrication FRAUD that just won’t go away… Hansen continues to make up, fabricate, invent climate data using flawed statistical methods on a daily basis. In any other industry he’d be in jail by now. Time for him to pay the piper for his ongoing fraud.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If we can’t even get honest ordinary evidence out of Nasa GISS how can any of their data be trusted?

    If those that continue to push fabricated data as if it’s real data are not held to account by social control mechanisms (legal sanctions) then they have won the day and very likely the war with their political agenda supported by fabricated data.

    As someone interested in the integrity of science the techniques used by climate scientists that fabricate data are of the most serious concern as that fabricated data is used in conclusions presented as “the real world” to politicians and policy makers who then spend vast sums of public monies.

    What happened to only using the data that is actually observed?

    Hansen and Lebedeff published a paper in 1987 that lays out the “acceptable” use of fabrication of data where non exists. Amazing.

    “The oddity about the picture is that we are given temperature data where none exists. We have very little temperature data for the Arctic Ocean, for example. Yet the GISS map shows radical heating in the Arctic Ocean. How do they do that? The procedure is one that is laid out in a 1987 paper by Hansen and Lebedeff . In that paper, they note that annual temperature changes are well correlated over a large distance, out to 1200 kilometres (~750 miles).” – GISScapades, WUWT, http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/03/25/gisscapades/

    How can we have this 1987 paper, “Global Trends of Measured Surface Air Temperature”, [http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/1987/1987_Hansen_Lebedeff.pdf], by Hansen and Lebedeff falsified and rescinded?

    One way is for a new paper to be published that falsifies it, correct?

    What other papers are based upon this one? How can they then be falsified and rescinded or redone? How far do the dominoes fall? What is the process for tipping them over?

    What ways are there to hold Hansen et. al. legally responsible for misrepresenting fabricated data as if it’s real data?

  4. Anything is possible says:

    Take a handful of polar stations, maximise the UHI effect, extrapolate the results over millions of square kilometres of frozen waste, and the best you can come up with is a miserable anomaly of +0.46C?

    It’s worse than we thought………..

    The next Ice Age is almost upon us..

  5. Gator says:

    NOAA satellite, $500,000,000.

    Updated climate models, $627,000,000.

    Pith hemet for coal fired plant protest, $60.

    Getting paid to promote yourself and your career, PRICELESS!

    Some things the public won’t buy, for everything else, there’s a Master Fraud

  6. Charles Higley says:

    Proof of winter global warming:
    Go outside with no gloves on when it is 10 deg F. Wait an hour until your hands are numb. Go inside and run cold water on your hands. The water will feel hot.

    If cold tap water feels hot, just imagine how hot it must really be outside at 10 deg F! If only our senses were not so screwed up, we would know that even in super-cold weather, we MUST be warming. It’s so obvious!

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