Here We Go Again …..

I’ve been back from Lisbon for a week, and we are having our third snowstorm and second blast of Arctic air. Forecast for tomorrow night -10F.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Here We Go Again …..

  1. Paul in Sweden says:

    Related News:

    There is no truth(as far as I can see) to the rumor that Hanson, Chu, Romm, Gavin, Cook, Pearce, Karoly and others will be holding a Counter Lisbon Reconciliation Conference in Tuvalu next month moderated by Jerry Springer.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Hang on, Steve. Next week should be much milder.

  3. suyts says:

    Yep, bracing myself again……. -5 F for tomorrow night here.

  4. NoMoreGore says:

    No offense, but I hope you’re freezing your butt off until May. Put the chill on NCAR.

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