Illiterate EPA Administrator Testifies Before Congress

Our best scientists in this country have reached a consensus and it is unequivocal that the science is clear that ‘man’ made emissions or air pollution and global warming gases,” Jackson said. But she was interrupted by McKinley, saying that the scientists are ‘still debating on issue. You know It! and I know It!’

Jackson responded by saying, “No I do not agree with that! I absolutely do not agree with that!”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Illiterate EPA Administrator Testifies Before Congress

  1. Ralph says:

    “Our best scientists in this country have reached a consensus that they need to continue the AGW scam in order to receive more tax payer money to continue their current life styles”

  2. suyts says:

    Jackson’s statement is easily refuted,

    “But she was interrupted by McKinley, saying that the scientists are ‘still debating on issue. You know It! and I know It!’

    Jackson responded by saying, “No I do not agree with that! I absolutely do not agree with that!”

    Yes, there is a significant body of scientists still disputing the EPA’s position.

    • Charles Higley says:

      Disputing the EPA! More like refuting, disproving, correcting, . . .

      The elephant in the room is that we do not live in a greenhouse, which by definition prevents convection and convective cooling.

      Even if CO2 could warm the atmosphere, it would simply serve to ramp up convection and the transport of heat and water vapor to altitude where the heat and the heat of condensation is lost to space. It is estimated that convection accounts for 92% of upward energy transfer (the 8% being radiation). CO2’s effect would be to increase the rate of energy transfer to altitude and cause a bit of cooling.

      It is, thus, very clear why Trenberth cannot find the missing energy, which he pretends is hiding/lurking in the oceans, as he completely ignores the convection flow of the water cycle.

      The icing on the cake is that the precipitation from condensation is also cool and absorbs more heat energy when it falls to the surface. This is one huge, global heat engine.

      Just like the banning of DDT and the ozone scare, the EPA is making political decisions which are not based on real science. Furthermore, it is their MO that they never feel that they have to explain their decisions. EPA – Environmental Protection of Arrogance.

  3. John Silver says:

    She disagrees that McKinley knows it.

  4. etudiant says:

    She is a bureaucrat fighting for her bureaucracy, not for common sense or the public good.
    Imo, the Dept of Homeland Security is the more extreme example of that process. It results in government entities which primarily do harm, at great expense.

  5. Hal says:

    I had friends and colleagues scoff at me 10-15 years ago, when I suggested that our biggest internal threat to freedom would be the day that the zealots were in charge, elevating the EPA to position of the supreme authority in the Land. I said the day could come where you might need to sign a waiver to pee in a specific spot at a specific time.

    Was I wrong?

      • DocForesight says:

        You and suyts are watching your carbon footprint with your brief response.

        What has been so disappointing to watch over the past 20 years is the lack of basic science understanding with the public and the media. How easily some people are manipulated into believing what common-sense would tell them otherwise. No sense of perspective or proportion and no apparent consideration for the effect on developing countries that would be devastated further by implementing these regulations.

        Has Paul Ehrlich ever been right? Don’t think so.

  6. Neo says:

    … but Rep. Markey said the science is settled

    I hate politicians who couldn’t explain 9th grade physics if they lives depended on it.

    • rich mascera says:

      physics? physics. so out of the realm of understanding for the majority of our reps that your statement caught me off guard. they cant do 9th grade math, chem or bio never mind physics. could you see maxine waters doing a physics exam? or joe biden for that matter. which brings me to what i would want to see. the SAT scores of all our reps if they took them now.

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