Independent : “Global warming ‘is three times faster than worst predictions'”

The red dot is where GISS was at in January, even with their bogus temperature increase. February should be even lower. Slow is the new fast.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Independent : “Global warming ‘is three times faster than worst predictions'”

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    We need a new dictionary…


    any others??? 🙂

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Negative Global Warming is definitely going faster than the so called experts wanted it to happen. That is why they have been screaming about
    Tipping” points for so long. They knew at any moment the climate would shift into the cooling pattern we are experiencing now.

  3. Roger says:

    For one joyous moment I thought Geoffrey Lean had left the Daily Telegraph and gone to The Independent, a more appropriate home for his left wing crackpot outpourings. And then I read the date…….

  4. Lance says:

    How about GoreSuzuki – last year Suzuki claimed that Vancouver was warm and wet due to AGW, and the next day Gore claimed that Wash. DC was snow bound and cold because of AGW.

  5. Dave N says:

    Notice the article is about “Global Warming” being 3 times as fast, but nowhere do they mention temps?

    Beats me how they come up with “seas are rising twice as rapidly” unless they’re working from a very underestimated prediction, or they just cherry picked a spot on the Earth instead of using global figures.

  6. Which one is their worst prediction? Lots of them are just awfully wrong. It’s hard to know which to label the worst.

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