Indian Prime Minister Says That The US And Europe Must Send Him More Money

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Indian Prime Minister Says That The US And Europe Must Send Him More Money

  1. latitude says:

    When I try to talk to people about global warming, IPCC, the UN, I always have to start out explaining how many countries there are….
    …how many are considered developing
    …which countries are considered un-developed

    ..and how the UN got the vote count the way they did

    The explain to them which way the money flows……..

  2. Al Gored says:

    “China takes big lead in CO2 emissions race
    February 1, 2011

    The Department of Energy released yesterday its estimates for global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from energy use:

    U.S. emissions were 5.42 billion tons, about 17.8% of global emissions (2nd place).

    China’s emissions were 7.71 billion tons, about 25.3% of global emissions (1st place).

    India has overtaken Russia for third place (1.60 vs. 1.57 billion tons).”

  3. Philip Finck says:

    And people think that there will ever be a consensus among developed/developing….whatever countries on limiting GGE.

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