“Iowa sized iceberg” Found By Someone Claiming To Be An “Exploration Geologist”

Iowa is larger than England. Whatever school this guy graduated from needs to be decertified.

The most dangerous stage of global warming has begun. We’ve seen record breaking droughts, floods, storms, heat waves, extreme winters, mass extinction; Iowa sized icebergs, rapidly rising sea levels, fire, and famine in the past 10 years. The year 2010 was the hottest yet, and atmospheric CO2 is currently at a dangerously high 391 ppm (NOAA, Jan 2011). Now, perhaps the worst, the Amazon where most species live and 20 percent of breathable oxygen originates is seeing unprecedented, forest killing drought in 2005, and 2010, (National Geographic , 2010). Remember, 2,500 of the world’s greatest minds, (IPCC 1990, 92, 95, 01, 07) predicted these events with their advanced computer modeling.

Unfortunately, 13 of our newly elected U.S. Congress members state they don’t even believe in global warming. Thankfully, our president has set national mileage standards of 35 mpg by 2015, 62 mpg by 2025 and total energy consumption of 80 percent clean fuel by 2035, (2011). In addition, his policies for weatherizing homes, supporting electric car production and high speed central rail, as well as less fattening and more sustainable food on our tables, hit right at the heart of the problem, and provide effective solutions. Hopefully, his request , (January 2011) to end huge subsidies for oil companies and spend it on desperately needed weatherization of American business buildings will be passed by Congress too.

We would all do well to consult mechanics for broken cars, doctors for health problems, teachers for education, and Earth scientists for a broken planet. Let’s work together to heed the warnings, change lifestyles, and live better.

Several developed nations are making great strides to combat climate change including most Americans. Many thanks to all who continue learning about climate problems/solutions, and improve our planet, and God bless President Obama.

Neal Lesmeister

Exploration geologist



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to “Iowa sized iceberg” Found By Someone Claiming To Be An “Exploration Geologist”

  1. Latitude says:

    The comments are even funnier, calling people denialists, etc, and not a one of them caught that he got his states messed up and doesn’t even know the size of Iowa and Rhode Island. LOL

  2. glacierman says:

    This makes me embarrased of my profession.

    Here he is: http://www.mylife.com/c-1505784948

  3. Tony Duncan says:

    Come on Steve,

    give the guy a break, he is only off by a factor of 50 or so!

  4. Latitude says:

    well, somebody go on there and embarrass him…..

    …I can’t from work or I would

  5. MikeTheDenier says:

    brainerddispatch…HA!! More like brain dead dispatch.. 🙂

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Here is another alarmist “picture of the day” from NASA today:
    Greenland record ice melt of 2010
    These guys must be joking.

  7. Jeff K says:

    I majored in geology while in college and it, above all else, gave me the historical perspective (measured in millions of years rather than the usual 30 years) to see that all this fuss about catastrophic climate change is beyond ignorance. There truly is nothing new under the sun.

  8. Charles Higley says:

    “Remember, 2,500 of the world’s greatest minds, (IPCC 1990, 92, 95, 01, 07) predicted these events with their advanced computer modeling.”

    He has obviously drunk the Kool Aid. World’s greatest minds?Many were picked because they were from a particular country the IPCC want represented and many are simply weathermen!

    And the advanced computer modeling is not science and not predictive. Very simply NONE of their predictions) over 20 years have ever come true.

    The greatest minds are the ones with integrity and honesty, who present the facts and real science regardless of the consequences. He clearly has not believed that the propaganda ministers at the IPCC might have an ulterior agenda besides “saving the planet” from a false crisis. Climategate was not real to this guy.

    Has anybody honestly described the problems inherent in having an all electric car in subzero conditions? Not only will the chemistry of the batteries be depressed (easily >50% with a temperature decrease of 10-15 degrees) and the power critically limited, but a major portion of the power is going to have to go to keeping the people in the car from freezing to death. This involves a direct conversion of battery energy to heat energy (in our internal combustion cars, its a freebie of the system).

    There will be a new statistical category: people who froze to death when the ran out of electricity on the way home form work.

    More energy would have to be used to heat one’s garage to make the car usable in the morning, but how well will it work at the end of the day? Or do they assume that we will have to invest in heated downtown garages and/or power couplings at all parking meters, using power all day long to keep the car batteries warmed up. This is not a green idea.

    There’s a good reason why these cars are currently sold (the few that do sell) in California and Arizona. They are also not cheap. No one will live long enough to justify the savings from the expensive recharging cycle, as there are no savings due to so many inherent energy conversions.

    Of course, the $1.50/night for recharging as advertised on TV is a far cry from the real $60 bill for a more realistic charge.

    Oh, do not forget that in the winter charging will also take longer—chemistry is slower.

  9. Charles Higley says:

    “62 mpg by 2025 ”

    Since this is the theoretical limit of efficiency for a car, achieving this would involve minimizing friction in every way, taking advantage of every little hill and valley, planning routes to avoid driving into the wind and such, coasting down hill as often as possible, taking the optimum speed and gear up the hills, and literally traveling with the minimum mass (“always evacuate before you motivate”). There is no way that this can happen if other people are on the road and it would take a day to go 50 miles. This is just plain insane and demonstrates that the bureaucrats are idiots, do not ask questions of the physicists, and simply think that they can mandates the laws of physics.

    Huge subsidies for oil companies? They pay average taxes of 88 billion/year and Obama is canonized about 2.8 billion in subsidies. It seems to me they get a 30-fold return on their investment. This is bad?

    All this will do is drive up the cost of oil and gas, but then that’s what he wants – to hurt the consumer every way he can. It’s so nice to have someone looking out for us and making sure our lives will be as miserable as he can make it.

    It must be an easy life to be so brainless and to mindlessly believe whatever drivel your chosen hero spouts.

  10. PhilJourdan says:

    If the guy believed what he was writing, he would not be saying “Thankfully” as no amount of Cafe standards could save us.

  11. Andy Weiss says:

    I read thru that drivel, thinking it was a parody or joke of some kind. The real joke was that he was serious!

  12. Justa Joe says:

    “We would all do well to consult mechanics for broken cars, doctors for health problems, teachers for education, and Earth scientists for a broken planet. ” – kooky warmist

    The concept of self sufficiency is apparently foreign to this leming of a guy. You can actually perform most automotive repairs yourself if you’re so inclined. There’s also health and education that can be handled independently of professional experts.

  13. Justa Joe says:

    There’s also aspects health and education that can be handled independently of professional experts.

  14. Did a big bear come out of the forest and eat his homework too?

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