Kerry Calls Constituents Who Think For Themselves “Neanderthals”

Why can’t citizens be more agreeable, like they were in the Soviet Union?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Kerry Calls Constituents Who Think For Themselves “Neanderthals”

  1. John Kerry should stick with his true nature—cussing at his body guard while skiing.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Another clown who we can be thankful was never President.

  3. Dave N says:

    Sorry, you’re not a Neanderthal.. but people who think like you are Neanderthals.

    That kind of logic is pretty Neanderthal.

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    the apology and explanation is just as bad as the original insult. Reminds me of a story..

    The Emperor is out walking the gardens with the Queen and some aides and hangers on.
    At one stage, the Emperor feels a hand slip up between his legs from behind and his fanny gets squeezed.
    He turns in a rage and shouts at the aide directly behind “How dare you squeeze the Emperors fanny?”
    The aide drops to his knees cowering and says “I’m sorry my lord, I thought you were the Queen”

  5. Nobama says:

    Nothing worse than an idiot who thinks he’s enlightened. It isn’t enough to defeat the warming cabal. It must be humiliated. After it becomes a mantle of shame for ever believing in warming drivel, warmers must be eternally reminded of their stupidity, lest they begin to think they know something else.

  6. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    I thought he looked like something from the munsters and he is calling others names?

  7. speaking of candidates….

    Who knew Lumpy Rutherford would run for president:

  8. Hyperzombie says:

    I am a canadian (sorry), but anyway, is John Kerry the candidate that was sponsered by Ketchup? The guy with the giant head? Just curious.

    • suyts says:

      lol, yeh, sort of, he’s married to Teresa Heinz. The widow of the Heinz heir, Henry Heinz. She met Kerry at an Earth Day rally………

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