Korea Has Heaviest Snow In A Century, Coldest Weather In 50 Years

In the past, cold air and snow was due to cold. Now our leading government scientists and Nobel prize winners tell us that cold and snow is due to heat – but it is “very much confined to Northern Europe.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Korea Has Heaviest Snow In A Century, Coldest Weather In 50 Years

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Yes, but some idiot will come on here and say Korea covers an even smaller area of the earth than the US. So it doesn’t matter. Or some other idiot, if not the same one, will say the snow and cold is caused by global warming.

    I’m still waiting for snow extent totals from Rutgers for the Northern Hemisphere at the end of this winter. If it’s higher than last year the idiots will say “ya but, the northern hemisphere only covers half of the earth, and we’re talking about global warming here not half of the globe”. Or they’ll say, “global warming predicts there will be more snow”.

    • Mike Davis says:

      This Idiot will say it is like getting that much snow between Los Angeles and San Fransisco California or between Charleston SC and Washington DC. Same Latitude and a Peninsula means lots of coastal weather effects. This Idiot will also claim that this condition can only exist in a global “COOLING” condition as there is not enough warmth to keep the cold where it belongs, in Brother Al’s house! 😉

  2. Sparks says:

    Korea covers an even smaller area of the earth than the US, So it doesn’t matter! and everyone knows that snow and cold is caused by global warming, it’s caused by all the moisture in the atmosphere therefore more precipitation which falls as snow, and snow is cold everyone knows this! except you skeptics who are all funded by big oil companys who want you to tell lies and you act like you know everything and you hate the polar bears.

    Yea take that you bad bad climate skeptics. Boooooo

    LMAO Joking!!

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