Kudos To Joe Bastardi

He forecast spectacular cold in March many months ago.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Kudos To Joe Bastardi

  1. Lance says:

    Just wait until GISS adjusts it…

  2. Dave N says:

    COLA’s “about” information:


    says they conduct: “..research related to variability and predictability of Earth’s climate on seasonal to decadal time scales”.

    There doesn’t seem to be anything published beyond the charts on wxmaps. Anyone found anything else?

  3. I’m wondering who will be right about western Europe, Joe or Piers?

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Am I missing something or is March still in the future? How do we know how warm it will be at this point? Let’s not count unhatched chickens quite yet.

  5. AndyW says:

    Also Joe predicted a brutally cold Alaska, how has it been ? The images above seem to indicate that Alaska is warmer?


  6. richcar 1225 says:

    Look for a late sea extent build again this year, a short arctic summer and continued sea ice volume build which is expected from the continued negative NAO.

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