La Nina : “abnormal cooking of the Pacific Ocean”

I was amused when I watched the national news reports where global warming experts used the blizzards that struck the Northeast as proof of global warning.

One explained that warmer air can hold more moisture, which is true. He said these warmer blizzards can unleash heavier amounts of snow.

A good story, but the air temperatures don’t support his theory and certainly not with our snows earlier this week. There was nothing warm about the air that was in place when our blizzard began.

Global warming is credited when there are more hurricanes, and cited as the reason we have fewer hurricanes in a season.

But, I will say this: I am not sure what is going on. We are in a pattern called La Nina, which is characterized by an abnormal cooking of the Pacific Ocean waters near the equator. It tends to produce dry conditions to much of the country, which is exactly the pattern we have been in.

But this does not mean we will have 26 inches of snow in a month. It does not produce record-breaking temperatures that date back to the beginning of statehood.

In my 30 years of forecasting the weather, I can’t recall a more dramatic time to be a meteorologist. Not quite ready to blame it on man-made global warming, but I will certainly listen to all theories now.

Just please don’t make me listen to rap, that is as offensive to my ears as the record-breaking cold is to my senses.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to La Nina : “abnormal cooking of the Pacific Ocean”

  1. Latitude says:

    abnormal cooking of the Pacific Ocean

    didn’t he mean cooling??

    and it’s not abby-normal anyway………….

    • Latitude says:

      Btw, he quotes a theory that is so obviously not true it’s embarrassing…

      ..then goes on to say he will start paying more attention to those theories

      what a moron………..

    • suyts says:

      I think you’re right, I think its a typo, but what can you say, he’s an Oakie. And I think you’re right, he’s a moron. I don’t know why he’s 30 years behind the curve, but he is. Its people like him that absolutely drive me nuts. Here he is 30 years in meteorology. He lives in a state that elects Inhofe every 6 years. And now he states he’s willing to look at a theory that brings us warmcold? Sometimes I think we should just let the willfully ignorant suffer from their ignorance, but they’d be too damned stupid to understand it was their idiocy that causes their suffering…………

  2. Jeff K says:

    He seems to imply that because there have been record cold temps. that global warming might, just might, need a closer look now. I don’t get it.

  3. Dave N says:

    “In my 30 years of forecasting the weather, I can’t recall a more dramatic time to be a meteorologist”

    Sounds like he’s channeling Jeff Masters.

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    30 years in the game. That means he began at the very beginning of the current warming in the early eighties.

    And there’s the nub of the current problem. So many pimply faced 20-30 somethings believing theres been no other type of weather other than what they’ve experienced in their short miserable lives.

  5. truthsword says:

    Okay…. typo? Heh, where were the editors?

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