Libya In Colorado

Police in Arvada, Colorado handcuffed and arrested an 11 year old and hauled him off to jail for drawing a stick figure picture.

Were they afraid the 11 year old was going to attack them, and needed to be in handcuffs?

A couple of months ago, Fort Collins police shot an unarmed man in the chest eight times for pulling out a flashlight outside his home – at 11:00 at night.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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31 Responses to Libya In Colorado

  1. Dave N says:

    I’ll bite.. which law did they think he broke?

    • suyts says:

      lol, in the video, something to the effect of “interfering with teachers teaching”, or some other verbiage with the same meaning.

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Guess what, NASA says the Sun is not constant!!!!!!! Dirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    • suyts says:

      wwaaaa??? No way! Where do they get such radical ideas? Next they’ll be telling us its our main source of heat!

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

        I can’t believe it, only CO2 controls the climate there is no other variable at all. I mean the sun could never increase power causing more life to live raising the level of CO2. That would be just impossible. I didn’t even know the sun was important for life, I thought that the citric acid cycle was just battery powered.

    • It is known that TSI is not the primary factor in the sun’s influence on earth’s climate. NASA should know it needed to consult people outside of NASA who have been studying the sun’s influence on earth before forming statements about what they want to find from the sun’s influence on earth.

      At the same time this satellite will get TSI measurements outside earth’s atmosphere and they can be compared to earth base measurements. Should make for interesting science!

  3. suyts says:

    Bizarre story. The police or whomever made the decision to cuff-n-stuff the 11 y/o needs to be fired, if not charged with gross incompetence……..hey if they can make “interfering” a crime, why not? The police that did the act, if acting upon orders from others, should be suspended for failure to exercise proper judgment. Guns and badges without an ability to exercise proper judgment is a recipe for disaster. See Steve’s comment regarding the poor fellow with a flashlight.

    The psychiatrist should have his license revoked. Who told him it would be ok for 11 y/o to depict fantasies of murdering his teacher and presumably classmates in the classroom? wtf? That’s healthy? fcking idiots.

    The parents need a few forceful slaps across the face. Parenting is a 24 hr/day job. That they would allow/encourage such behavior from a child, ADD or no, quack advised or not, isn’t justifiable. To the parents…..did you acquiesce your brains when you found that idiot quack?

    Lastly, most children with the diagnosis of ADD can be cured with consistently reinforced ass beatings for aberrant behavior. ADD is a real disorder, sadly it is over diagnosed and for some reason, schools seem to encourage the diagnosis.

  4. It is noteworthy that he drew a picture of shooting people. And it is understandable that America is frightened by all the shootings. But handcuffs, fingerprinting, and not allowing him to see his parents is unbelievable, truly unbelievable. There had to be some law broken in not letting an 11 year see his parents.

    There is evidence that violent drawings and ADD in children are related to sugar sensitivity, sugar in all forms, even lactose. There is also evidence that ADD and violent thoughts in adults are also related to sugar sensitivity.

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      I’d like to see what this innocent boy is really like though, some 11 year olds are pretty big

      And I guess USA has problems with these things. But no need to handcuff people if they are not actually doing anything. Maybe send a psychiatrist over to evaluate first.

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      I agree, it’s high fructose corn syrup which is causing this stuff. When you have 10 teaspoons in one drink some people are going to act pretty weird!

      • Sugar in all forms is bad in some people. Some people have a bigger reaction to sugar than others. I have heard a guy that studied nutrition for decades say that Phil Hartman’s wife probably had a sensitivity to sugar. Most of the time she was a sweet person. But when she drank she started to have dark thoughts. She had been out drinking all night before the morning she shot him then herself.

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

        Sugar should be eaten in only natural form eg an apple or a piece of fruit. Refined sugar is no different to cocaine. The Coca plant is ok to eat or chew, but if you refine it into cocaine, the problems start. The same applies to sugar. Sugar is a denatured molecule, the other elements that it comes with are removed. HFCS is the new form of refined sugar instead of sucrose it is the fructose form. It is pretty much responsible for diabetes, obesity and the increased cancer levels. As sugar is an oxidant. If you keep damaging cells over and over with your “hits” of sugar you are not only aging yourself quicker, you are causing insults which eventually will lead to cancer. This is why cancer has increased in the 20th century along with dental decay and obesity. It is so common place to take a massive hit of sugar, mainly through softdrinks etc that it is in epidemic levels now. It’s replacement Aparatame is no better, it was sneaked through the FDA in the early 1980s even though it shows strong neurotoxicity.

        Back to sugar, feed these kids constant high sugar hits and wonder what happens….you might as well just feed them cocaine, it’s no different.

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

        umm I wonder why kids have ADHD, I wonder????????? Time to drug them out so that they keep drinking Kool Aid

        Coke also has high levels of salt in it well, that’s why they have to make it so sweet, to hide the salt. Coke know this, the “New” Coke that came out actually had more salt but people rejected it, maybe they didn’t make it sweet enough 😛

  5. Robert Austin says:

    When I was a kid, admittedly many years ago, most boys liked to draw swastikas on everything, made crude drawings of guns, stick people shooting guns, airplanes strafing stick people, you name it. If adults didn’t approve, so much the better. And I did not have ADD, I was a good student and not really a trouble maker. We fantasized about constructing giant catapults in the adjacent woods and bombarding our school. Good thing we did not have the thought police back then.

  6. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    What about if you have a Nobel Peace prize, then suddenly you start promoting violence, is that naughty too?

  7. bubbagyro says:

    Have any of you actually seen what he “drew”? I did. He had a stick figure of himself with a gun, pointing at teachers with Xs on their heads, and the clear large block letters saying “Teachers must die”. So get on the facts, please!

    I think he should have been expelled, and sent to a psychiatric school or some such. I don’t know what the proper response must be, but there had to be a response. But this was NOT just some kid’s doodling. It was very pointed.

    If he walked in the next day and shot some teachers or kids, what would the reaction be?

    In my day, we drew guns and bows and arrows. But no one was ever killed in school by kids. Times they are a’ changin’

  8. AndyW says:

    I’m sure what’s happening in Libya is a lot worse than that.


  9. Everyone wants to say the police over-reacted, but I representative a group of citizens who’ve lost family members to stick person violence, and we think the police acted appropriately.

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