Lisa Simpson : “There is no Springfield 50 years in the future! “


There is no Springfield 50 years in the future! With global warming trapping the CO2 inside our poisonous atmosphere, our super-heated oceans will rise, drowning our lowlands, leaving what’s left of humanity baking in desert that once fed the world. And in the new Nineveh, darkness falls

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Lisa Simpson : “There is no Springfield 50 years in the future! “

  1. Dave N says:

    Gets it from her father

    • Baa Humbug says:

      Actually Homer is closer to the truth than we think…..
      From the upcoming episode.

      “HOMER: Gee, Lisa, looks like tomorrow, I’ll be shoveling 10 feet of global warming.

      LISA: Global warming can cause weather at both extremes, hot and cold.

      HOMER: I see. So you’re saying warming makes it colder. Well, aren’t you the queen of crazy land! Everything’s the opposite of everything!”

      He then starts dancing and twirling around singing Lada de Lada da da

  2. Ralph says:

    This is global warming South Park style.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    It would be laughable, except for the fact that a significant percentage of the poplulation really believes it!

  4. John A says:

    That’s what happens when you go vegetarian

  5. Adam says:

    Homer seems to have figured it all out

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