Margaret Thatcher 1988 : Global Warming “second only to a global nuclear war”

About Tony Heller

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4 Responses to Margaret Thatcher 1988 : Global Warming “second only to a global nuclear war”

  1. Paul H says:

    Maggie was persuaded by John Houghton.

    I doubt she was ever really signed up, but tried to use it as way to promote nuclear power, which in turn would reduce dependence on coal, so marginalising Arthur Scargill and co.

    And what politician can’t resist the electoral advantages of saving the planet.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Boy, she really knows how to scare people. And she’s a superhero of the right. Global warming is supposed to be from the left. She’s the one that kicked this little game off. Reminds me why I hate politics.

  3. Dio Gratia says:

    Thatcher becomes latest recruit in Monckton’s climate sceptic campaign

    Monckton’s use of Britain’s former PM illustrates that climate denialism is about politics, not science

    (pot, kettle, luminosity challenged)

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