Massive Hurricane Ravaged New Orleans 199 Years Ago

We can’t say for sure that this hurricane was caused by a lack of CO2, we we do expect to find more evidence that climate alarmists have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

ScienceDaily (Feb. 6, 2011) — Nearly 200 years before Hurricane Katrina, a major storm hit the coast of Louisiana just west of New Orleans. Because the War of 1812 was simultaneously raging, the hurricane’s strength, direction and other historically significant details were quickly forgotten or never recorded.

But a University of South Carolina geographer has reconstructed the storm, using maritime records, and has uncovered new information about its intensity, how it was formed and the track it took.

Dr. Cary Mock’s account of the “Great Louisiana Hurricane of 1812” appears in the current issue of the Journal of the American Meteorological Society, a top journal for meteorological research.

“It was a lost event, dwarfed by history itself,” said Mock, an associate professor in the College of Arts and Sciences. “Louisiana was just in possession by the United States at the time, having been purchased from France only years before, and was isolated from the press.”

Mock says historians have long known that a hurricane hit New Orleans on Aug. 19, 1812, but they didn’t know the meteorological details about the storm.

“Hurricane Katrina is not the worst-case scenario for New Orleans, as its strongest winds were over water east of the eye,” said Mock. “The 1812 hurricane was the closest to the city, passing just to the west. It wasn’t as big as Katrina, but it was stronger at landfall, probably a mid-three or four category hurricane in terms of winds.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Massive Hurricane Ravaged New Orleans 199 Years Ago

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    What about the Great Colonial Hurricane in 1635 that hit Massachusetts? Or the Great Gale of 1815, another New England storm. Those were far worse than anything to hit New England the last 50 years.

  2. It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

    From these stories of severe storms in the past it is proof that what the world is experiencing now in not unusual. It looks as everything is normal.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Until the 24/7 cable news cycle set in and until climate became a politcal football, people didn’t know about every storm in every out of the way place. Now every0ne hears/sees much more about them, thus it seems like there are more storms.

    Until recently, the US news networks never covered cyclones in Australia long before they hit. That doens’t mean there are now more cyclones.

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