Met Office : Ask The Barbecue Summer Experts About Climate Change

The questions won’t be daft. More likely what will be daft are the answers from the Met Office “climate experts.”

Exceptionally warm in Greenland?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Met Office : Ask The Barbecue Summer Experts About Climate Change

  1. Me says:

    This is not a global event; it is very much confined to the UK and Western Europe and if you look over at Greenland, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that is too much one case is not AGW and the other is! HAHAHAHA! And there is that monkey waiting with a mud pie waiting! AND Slingo!!! Right at Professor Julia Slingo! Pun Intended Here! HAHAHA!

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    100% green energy 2050, I didn’t know they were building a new nuclear reactor every week for the next 40 years?

  3. Jimbo says:

    “This is not a global event; it is very much confined to the UK and Western Europe…”

    Then in February we saw that it was not “…very much confined to the UK and Western Europe…”

    “World of two halves! Map shows most of Northern Hemisphere is covered in snow and ice”

  4. Tokamak says:

    This is what happens when meteorologists play at being politician, it will only end in tears. Fourteen years of Socialist government under Blair and Brown means every public institution in the UK is manned by a left liberal elite. The government may have changed but the left-wing leaders of those institutions are using what is left of their tenure to carry on the former governments agenda. That means the BBC and the Met office to name but two. The problem for them is their egos may be big but the weather is bigger and it has stopped playing ball. I get my meteorology from Joe Bastardi, no politics just data. Top man!

  5. Mike Davis says:

    OPAL has failed to follow its own standards of promoting OPen Air Laboratories if they did not start by declaring Wind Turbines the greatest threat to Open Skies! Rather than promote MET they should be denouncing the agency! I see the questions and answers being properly homogenized to provide the desired outcome! It smells of an AD campaign!

  6. John Edmondson says:

    I asked this:-
    What would the GCM output be if?

    The date was 50,000,000 years ago and the sun was 2% less bright i.e. the TSI is 1340 w/sqm rather than the 1366.

    Assume all other variables don’t change.

    I am not expecting a reply.

  7. Jeff K says:

    It’s been the Met Office who has been confused. The public should tell the Met that no question will be too “daft or simplistic,” so start firing away.

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