Met Office : Warming Unabated – 2010 Almost As Warm As Thirteen Years Ago

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Met Office : Warming Unabated – 2010 Almost As Warm As Thirteen Years Ago

  1. Latitude says:

    and if it wasn’t for the El Nino and PDO, we would be in a negative trend…..
    …and if this trend continues

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Their “Long Range Forecaster” needs to find another line of work. Crystal gazing and Tarot reading are viable options with his reputation and accuracy!

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    14.5C? I thought the global mean was 15C. Let it warm let it warm let it warm.

  4. pat says:

    That silly chart looks so drastically steep because every year with the exception of 10 individual years over a 130 year range (1849 -1980) is graphed as anomalously cold. If that makes sense to any statistician or scientist then they need their credentials publicly stripped so they can do no further harm.

  5. Dean sorg says:

    Going from -.4 in 1850 to +.6 in 2010 (exagerating at the extremes), thats 1.2 degrees in 160 years using the warmist’s questionable data…..
    This should be the question that gets asked of every alarmist.
    “Exactly how many degrees warmer is it today than it was in 1930?”

  6. Gator says:

    Wow, looks like the 1930’s were quite chilly! Brrrrrrrrrr. Amazing that they all independently came to the same revisionist conclusion, completely on their own, no colluison or collaboration, just great minds thinking alike.

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