Met Office : “We are now confident that global temperatures are increasing”

We are now confident that global temperatures are increasing, and that this is most likely due to human greenhouse gas emissions

Meanwhile, back in the real world ……

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Met Office : “We are now confident that global temperatures are increasing”

  1. Chris F says:

    They’re setting up the narrative for AR5. Make no mistake, they will find gazillions of terrible things happening right now that can only be explained by AGW.
    They’ve learned nothing from climategate or their failed predictions for the last three years.

  2. Dave N says:

    “We need a long enough dataset to reliably cover the timescales of variation and change”

    They forgot to insert the word “reliable” between “long enough” and “dataset”. Pity they don’t have one.

  3. latitude says:

    “”After the controversy over statements on the Amazon in the IPCC Fourth Assessment, establishing the facts over Amazon drought will be top priority.””

    not a clue

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    That really is a fast drop. I am wondering how long it will continue.

  5. Perry says:

    Nil comments at that blog as far as I can see. All Betts are off.

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