NASA : Antarctica To Warm 10C In The Next 50 years

Hansen wouldn’t tell kids this stuff if it weren’t true.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to NASA : Antarctica To Warm 10C In The Next 50 years

  1. suyts says:

    True that, he’s a totally straight up fellow. We can tell by the way he always reports the temperatures. Straight up unchanging truth………well…..

  2. Michael says:

    I doubt the 50 C part. I might bite if it were 20 degrees C but unless there are new variables, or changes in the old ones, I don’t see that large a change.
    Don’t bet on people not telling things to kids that aren’t true. All they need is to personally believe they are true–and scientists are no better than anyone else about this.
    Once upon a time, we wanted to set off the biggest H bomb ever tested. It was in the Pacific and there was some doubt about it triggering a H reaction and “Going to completion” (causing the earth to become, briefly, a small sun. Most scientists believed it would not but a minority believed it would; but they went along for the bang, and to be able to say, “I told you so.” So, out there, when the fireball kept expanding away too long; one scientist turned to another and said, “See, it’s going to completion.” Nothing more. I saw that happen. It’s a joy of living a long time.
    Maybe I’ll move to the Northern Marianas instead of Yucatan.

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    So if a cyclical warming happens in Antarctica they will be able to say “Our prediction happened. You see? Manmade global warming is real.”

    But come to think of it their predictions haven’t been happening for years and they still say manmade global warming is happening.

  4. Hopey Changey says:

    I hope Inhofe has these dolts on his list of projects to DEfund. They want DE-Industrialization? We can start (and finish) by dismantling their organization.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    Hansen made just one small error. He failed to take into account all the blizzards and cold waves that are also caused by global warming. But a man can’t always be perfect

  6. Jeff K says:

    This prediction is outside NASA’s purview now and so not reliable. Their job now, according to the Obama administration, is to highlight the mathematical achievements that were made in the Middle East.

  7. Andy Weiss says:


    I heard the same story. When they first tested the A Bomb in New Mexico (1945), there were some scientists who were quite concerned that it might trigger a chain reaction and destroy the world.

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