NASA : Sea Level Declining Around The US

NASA imagery shows that their leading climatologist is clueless.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to NASA : Sea Level Declining Around The US

  1. pwl says:

    I wonder how the Grace Gravity Maps correlate to the above Sea Level Rise map?

  2. Hi Steven.
    IN the latest NCEP prognosis (every 6 hour 19-27 feb) the average global temperature is – 0,38 K.
    Temperatures goes from – 0,06K 19feb to – 0,66K on 27 feb. NCEP avg for Jan 2010 i calculate to -0,01K (like UAH).
    K.R. Frank

  3. Laurie Bowen says:

    OK. . . . I guess! . . . I am clueless too! What is the point of this?

    • suyts says:

      Laurie, NASA’s leading climatologist, Jim Hansen, has made several dire predictions regarding sea levels. According to him, most of us are suppose to be scrambling inland or literally swimming with the fishes. Manhattan is suppose to be underwater by now. That 15 yr imagery seems to refute Hansen’s dire prognostications and calls into question the validity of his other stances regarding our ever changing climate.

      At least, that’s what I take from this posting.

  4. Another look can be had by a quick google to and view FAQs 11 and beyond. This is unadulterated, raw, un-manipulated hard data from the NASA Topex/Jason satellites and applied mathematics to the over 600 datapoints over a 17 year period. Sea-Levels are still rising worldwide at a REDUCED rate each year ending in the mid 2030s with DECLINE thereafter.

    Check the annual updates to see how it continues!!!

  5. Re: my last post: google Toucan Equations. Somehow it missed the edit!?

  6. David Larsen says:

    I remember reading in a paper about the Aurignacien Oscillations that the ocean was 125 feet above what it is today in the caves in northern Europe.

  7. Gator says:

    Wonder if this will get any mention on Realclimate or Climate Progress?

  8. Jay Davis says:

    I take it the blue along the California coastline is the reason Al Gore bought his house there?

  9. James says:

    The reason sea levels have fallen instead rising, is the Predicted/Reported Ice melting around the world had not materialized! Its funny how they only talk about the Arctic melting During the Northern Hemisphere Summer, But fail to mention the recent yearly increasing Ice extent in in the Arctic during the winter! You will not hearanything from them about the near Record ice extent during this past Antarctic winter! Glaciers and Sea ice Naturally fluctuates but there has been an over all increase in Ice World Wide and the only way they can continue to promote their Global Warming Agendas is to pick and choose the places where there is decline!

  10. James says:

    One more thing, One of the first indicators of an a possible impending Ice Age would be an increasing drop in Sea levels!

  11. Doug Proctor says:

    From slightly negative “rises” at the Californian coast to 10 mm/yr rises in the far east Pacific: lucky that water doesn’t flow downhill … oh, wait, it does.

    According to something Trenberth wrote, I gathered that warming waters account for another 70% of sea-level rise. Elsewhere I read that winds keep water high on the downwind side (gosh).

    So: looking at this map, what are we to think? Cool areas (like the upwelling Californian coast, where the pH is naturally lower than 8.1) “drop”? That warm areas swell? That long-term winds make hills?

    How do we get a 3.4mm/yr global sea-level rise from this (the Hansen/Gore number)? If one area is 10mm/yr “rising” due to wind and temperature, does that make the average not 1.85 mm/yr of the 120 year tidal guages (21 “best”), 3.4 mm/yr?

    Is the 3.4mm/yr sea-level global rise another statistical truth/average that has no real world presence?

  12. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    So this chart, does it take into account the level of the ground below rising or falling? I notice a rise near Kamchatka, it has 20 active volcanoes and often 4 volcanoes erupt simulateously. Why would sea be rising there, would it be more rising of the land below. How does the satellites work this out?

    1mm seems like a very high level of accuracy for a space object, what’s their error range +/- 0.0005mm LOL????

  13. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    It’s interesting to look at the Flood basalts, extruding from many fissures, and moving out to cover 100s of thousands of square kilometers, are found on several continents. They occur mainly in active tectonic zones. Here is a map showing the global distribution of flood basalts and similar oceanic basalt fields, of various ages, but occurring at the crustal surface.

    Why do some of the sea level rises correspond with this?

  14. John Marshall says:

    Local sea level changes are not only due to changing water volumes, either thermal or by addition of extra water, but also by land movement. This causes most of the local sea level changes not global warming.

  15. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    The creep of plates in quite quick in a year, outpacing the sea level rise, you could get inflation or deflation of the sea floor I would think

  16. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    I find it hard to believe that it can be detected to 1mm changes when every thing is moving all the time,0,2819271.story

    • Gator says:

      Hey Scarlet! I was a Remote Sensing major at one point, and I also find it hard to believe they can get such fine measurements. Granted I was studying satellite data in the 1980’s, but the physics involved have not changed in 30 years.

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

        Think about it from outerspace. There most be uncertainties. But the problem is what is sea level? Is it the level from the base up. But what if the base moves up or down as they do. 1mm is a very small change and if it’s real science there should be uncertainty values +/- around the figure.

  17. Gator says:

    Hey Scarlet! Yes, imagine from 500 miles up, these satellites are able to distinguish the tops of the waves from the troughs and finds a measurement somewhere in between. And who decides wether to measure coastal areas at high or low tide? From what I have read about assessments of margin of error, there is anywhere from a 1 to nearly 7 cm range of uncertainty. These satellites are expensive tools being used improperly, they should be used for estimates and not for exact figures.

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