New Axiom Of Physics Revealed : “Warm Climates Are Bad For The Economy”

HELENA, Mont. — A Montana legislator is proposing the state embrace global warming as good for the economy.

Republican Rep. Joe Read of Ronan aims to pass a law that says global warming is a natural occurrence that “is beneficial to the welfare and business climate of Montana.”

Reaction by scientists and environmentalists to House Bill 549 has been harsh. University of Montana climate change professor Steve Running calls it an indefensible attempt to repeal the laws of physics.

I forgot which law of thermodynamics explains the relationship between a warm climate and a bad economy, but someone better tell all those happily employed people in Texas to move north to the 29% unemployment of Detroit.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to New Axiom Of Physics Revealed : “Warm Climates Are Bad For The Economy”

  1. I wonder if Steve Running ever leaves his office and classroom to spend some time in the real world?

  2. I did a little search on the name “Steve Running”.

    After the Nobel was awarded to Al Gore and the IPCC he said, “What the Nobel committee is saying is that we’ve got to wake up. We’ve got to change the course of the whole world.”

    There’s some more blah, blah, blah from him here :

    He’s the usual clone. Something I learned quickly when I started looking in to global warming for myself is that, in general, scientists are less thoughtful than the average person.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Well Montana Legislator one truth and Climate Scientist one Lie so obvious his degree should be revoked and he should be barred from research and teaching!
    One only needs to read a small bit of history or spend a week in each climate condition to understand both claims.

  4. Mike Davis says:

    According to the government figures they are only considered “Unemployed” if they are receiving benefits. If and when they stop getting checks they drop from the rolls of the unemployed. The actual numbers are not known and the government calls a reduction in the number of lay-offs or those receiving benefits some kind of recovery. I call it bureaucratic BULL!

  5. Bruce says:

    Its the 4th Law of Thrmodynamics, which states:

    “Everything takes longer and costs more.”

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