New Mexico Supreme Court Determined To Destroy The State’s Economy

New Mexico Supreme Court Backs Climate Rule

Posted on January 28, 2011

You may have seen in our recent blog post that New Mexico’s governor was blocking a new state rule to limit global warming pollution. Well, here’s some good news: This week, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the rule will go on the books.
This means that New Mexico will require major polluters to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 3% each year, starting in 2013. And we hope this will encourage businesses to tap into New Mexico’s enormous potential for renewable energy. For example, New Mexico has some of the best potential for solar energy in the world.

New Mexico’s climate change rule was already finalized before Martinez took office, but the governor tried to block its publication in the official register — preventing the rule from going into effect. In the court ruling, state Chief Justice Charles W. Daniels said that “no one is above the law.”

But the fight isn’t over yet. The governor could still try to revise or overturn the rule. And New Mexico may also try to end its participation in an upcoming regional cap-and-trade plan for the western United States.

New Mexico has vast potential to develop clean energy resources that can reduce pollution and create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the coming decades. That’s why New Mexico should help lead the nation in reducing the pollution that causes climate change.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to New Mexico Supreme Court Determined To Destroy The State’s Economy

  1. NoMoreGore says:

    It really seems like we suddenly have an all new judiciary. Does the DOJ exercise control over all the lower courts? Have these courts been quietly infiltrated with activists over the last decades?

    I’m sure these rulings are being closely followed, and (most likely) vast amounts of wealth and legal support are brought to bear against the state. Gov Martinez should speak with Sharron Angle to learn how to depose activist judiciaries.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the rule will go on the books.,/i>

    I know which state I’m not going to live in.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    “Hundreds of thougsands of new jobs” created by green technologies in New Mexico? Isn’t that a bit of a stretch?

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    Why doesn’t the Governor declare CO2 as plant food, the first link in the global food chain? She can then demand emitters INCREASE their emissions by 3% each year starting in 2013. problemmo fixed.

  5. Russell C says:

    When the main electric utility in NM, Public Service Company of NM announced they were leaving the Chamber of Commerce in Sept 2009 over a dispute with the Chamber’s questioning man-caused global warming, I wrote directly to PNM and asked for an explanation of their position and for their opinion of Dr S Fred Singer’s / Dr Craig Idso’s rebuttal of the IPCC, their NIPCC 2009 Report. A PNM spokesperson responded with, “Climate scientists from NASA, Stanford University and Princeton who were contacted by ABC News dismissed the NIPCC report as ‘fabricated nonsense.’ ”

    I share this here, as PNM had no statement of restriction on disclosing their opinion in the email, and needless to say, I also shared it with Governor Martinez’ office days after her inauguration. It is a prime example how the smear of skeptic scientists is an information gatekeeper to people in important decision-making positions, when it comes to receiving all sides of a story. We have to wonder if the NM Supreme Court has any knowledge of skeptic scientists’ assessments.

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