Norwegian Taxpayers Paying For Global Warming Brainwashing In Uganda

According to the Permanent Secretary ministry of water Mr. Obong O O David, his ministry has taken the fight to schools as part of the wider effort to sensitize he country about the effects of climate change and demystify some jargon associated with it yet they are terms which refer to situations which people have locally known. “Twenty years ago when scientists talked about some of these phenomena, people thought they were mad but now we are faced with the realities.”

He added that the project is being funded by the Norwegian government to the tune of $10,000 initially and is being coordinated by the Climate Change Coordination Unit of the ministry which is working towards the development, implementation and review of climate change policy in Uganda so that when Uganda participates in climate change negotiations at regional and international levels, she is represented by people who are fully informed about their country’s needs.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Norwegian Taxpayers Paying For Global Warming Brainwashing In Uganda

  1. NoMoreGore says:

    “Twenty years ago when scientists talked about some of these phenomena, people thought they were mad but now we are faced with the realities.”……that they’re raving lunatics?

    But you must admit, the charitable nature of these Klimate Kooks is just heartwarming. As Penn Gillett would say, “Man, these are some Really F*&@ing nice people!”

  2. Paul H says:

    ” she is represented by people who are fully informed about their country’s needs.”

    I wonder how many billion the country’s needs will work out at?

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