Now That They Are Getting Their Butts Kicked, They Suddenly Want To Debate

But I thought the debate is over. The science is settled. In order to save the Polar Bears, we all need to use one sheet of toilet paper when wiping the dip stick of our Prius.

Cambridge, Mass. (Vocus/PRWEB) February 23, 2011

With major proposals to address climate change now on hold, a visiting professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management has a surprising suggestion for how to get the politically charged issue back on the policy front burner. “The current lull in the debate creates an opportunity for moderate voices from the political right to step in to help move toward a more reasoned discussion,” said Andrew Hoffman, an expert on the sociological aspects of environmental policies.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Now That They Are Getting Their Butts Kicked, They Suddenly Want To Debate

  1. Me says:

    So now they want debate and a more reasoned discussion! Where was this years ago when they had a concensus, and the debate was over because the science was settled? What reasonable discussion did they give us years ago, except Cap and Trade/Tax? Don’t give the warmest and alarmist one inch on this, take them to task for their shenanigans.

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