NPR : Kiribati To Drown Within 50 Years

The closest tide gauge is at Chuuk and it shows no sea level rise, but facts are not important at taxpayer funded NPR.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to NPR : Kiribati To Drown Within 50 Years

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    I’m confused I thought they were growing

  2. Mike Davis says:

    They probably are growing but they have no reason to exist anyway! I recomend the Island Nations be returned to their self sustaining conditions. that way the people that chose to live there can live in Harmony” with nature! As it is over 90% of goods necessary to sustain their current lifestyles need to be transported from other countries!
    There current lifestyles are contradictory to the sustainable lifestyle being being promoted be the Environment community. They are now a pimple on Mother Nature’s rear!

  3. Bruce says:

    Meanwhile, the Carteret Islanders are still being evacuated very very sloooowly. This evacuation, which the SMH in its wisdom says is because of global warming, commenced in 2003.

    I’m not sure exactly how many have been evacuated because of the not rising sea level, but the number looks to be five. In that case I think Carteret Islanders are being born faster than they are being evacuated.

    • Puckster says:

      “It has also been speculated that dynamite fishing in the Carterets such as occurred in the island during the prolonged Bougainville conflict may be contributing to the increased inundation.”

      It is never as simple as AGW.

  4. The Australian government monitors sea level at Kiribati
    Looks like this:

  5. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    More floods coming, or does it just mean more people. How did they work this gem out?

  6. Rupert Wyndham says:

    Puckster is quite right. Ditto Tuvalu and Kiribati (for reasons unknown pronounced Kiribass). Both for its enchanting prose and for what it reveals of life 80 years ago in what were then the Gilbert and Ellis Islands, recommend reading A Pattern of Islands by Arthur Grimble. Population of Tuvalu then about 4000, now 11,000. On Ocean Island the Brits had to sink 20,000 tanks to hold fresh water; potable H2O has always been a problem. Ditto sea water seepage, but since made much worse by foolish exploitation of local geology for so-called development.

    Alan Cheetham is also right. Flinders U tidal buoy project across the Pacific, including Kiribati, was abandoned not long ago after ten years of discovering no unusual sea level rise at all. – in fact, ironically, at Tuvalu a fractional fall!

    Xue Chunting, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology. Received 29 December 2004. Accepted 25 June 2004
    “The coastal geological events in Tuvalu islands do not accord with the features resulted from sea level rise but do accord with the features resulted from coastal erosion, particularly from human-induced erosion. The land loss in Tuvalu is mainly caused by inappropriate human activities including coastal engineering and aggregate mining, and partly caused by cyclones. Moreover, all recent measurements (satellite altimetry, thermosteric sea level data and tide observations) so far have not been able to verify any sea level rise around Tuvalu islands.”

    Islanders from Tuvalu and Kiribati have a strong impulse to emigrate, especially to NZ.


  7. Bonnie says:

    Where is Chunk and is that its full name? I can’t find it listed anywhere.

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