Obama Attacks Another State. Maybe He Can Sue Wisconsin Too?

The Constitutional role of the president is to usurp state’s rights and shred the Constitution. (I don’t remember which amendment guarantees the rights of union extortion.)


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Obama Attacks Another State. Maybe He Can Sue Wisconsin Too?

  1. bubbagyro says:

    Obama is a dangerous provocateur, provoking mayhem and terror whenever he opens his big mouth..

  2. stan says:

    Unions have been assaulting the financial security of govts and taxpayers for decades. Now that the union members are being paid far more than other workers in society who do the same jobs, the society is finally fighting back.

  3. Dave G says:

    Been following this too, wonder what our POTUS will do if 15-20 states follow this governor’s move? Martial Law? Interesting times!!

  4. NoMoreGore says:

    He’s an agitator. We’ll be lucky to survive another 2 years of him.

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    Arizona is biting back. But they made one fatal flaw – they are relying on court rulings. And as has been demonstrated over the last 2 years, this administration does not believe in the courts (unless they side with their own views).

    Wanna bet they do sue Wisconsin? I will go with the EEOC violation as the basis. And the judge they pick will side with them. But it will not matter anyway since they are already in contempt of court in 2 cases (soon to be 3).

  6. It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

    An assault on unions? He should wolcome that. He shows true feelings in that he doesn’t

  7. What a union hack! Maybe Ben Franklin would puke. Is there any hope for America?

    1000 Wisconsin teachers call in sick:


    Waiting for “Superman”

  8. Prudence says:

    Since when is the US Gov. the adversary of the states ! — and the POTUS the judge of what laws the US Gov. will and will not enforce! The rights of citizens and the States are trampled on with no apology. The situation is deteriorating at an alarming rate; stop this take over while it is still stoppable.

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