Ontario 1910 : Hundreds Of Dead Bodies From Forest Fires Strewn On Train Tracks

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12278, 10 October 1910, Page 5


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Ontario 1910 : Hundreds Of Dead Bodies From Forest Fires Strewn On Train Tracks

  1. Sparks says:

    Also in 1910

    1 February 1910,
    Paris: The Red Cross starts providing assistance to flood victims.

    20 February 1910,
    Uk: Hurricane-force winds cause several deaths and severe damage.

    11 March 1910,
    Wales: 500 children are swept away when a damn burst in the Rhondda Valley, 494 were rescued.

    12 May 1910,
    France: Halley’s Comet causes widespread concern and fears it is responsible for bad weather.

    17 June 1910,
    Central Europe: Severe floods in many countries; 1000 die in Hungary alone.

    28 June 1910,
    Germany: Zeppelin Deutschland is wrecked in a gale in the Teutoburg Forest.

    12 August 1910,
    London: Electric street lamps are replaced by 3000 high-pressure gas lamps giving more light in fog.

    17 August 1910,
    Japan: 800 die in severe flooding.

    25 October 1910,
    Italy: Severe storms and a tidal wave lash the bay of Naples, killing 1000.

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