Open Question : At What Temperature Do They Drop This Scam?

How long does it take for a really useless religion to die?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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44 Responses to Open Question : At What Temperature Do They Drop This Scam?

  1. Latitude says:

    I’ve been wondering the same thing for a long time……

    In the mean time, not a word about anything that even resembles real pollution.

    Remember when it was all about clean water, re-cycling, pesticides in food, fluoride, etc

    • Juergen says:

      I’m wondering too.
      First Global Warming.
      Then they realized that is is getting cooler and they called it Climate Change.
      If it is true that we get into a little ice age, which is possible, than they will defend it until we are all up to the neck trapped in ice and snow.
      We will starve as all fields that can be used will be used for fuel and not for food.

  2. Bruce says:

    Astrology is still with us … the answer ie NEVER. Too much money in it.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Astrology is not a religion!! Astrology is not a science! However it could be placed in the same context as “Soft Sciences”. I researched that subject some 40 years ago and have not changed my opinion since. I remain neutral on the subject as I try to on the subject of some other practices that do not negatively affect the social structure.
      The Chicken Little Brigade is a religious belief in the hazards of human habitation on the “Glorious Earth” and how we should strive to live in “Harmony” with Nature when there is NO harmony in nature as nature is overcoming extremes and surviving conflicts!
      The current AGW, Climate Change, Human Induced Pollutants are just the current manifestations and are in the process of being replaced even now by the next “Best” excuse to modify human behavior!
      Although there are those who promote because of the money involved it is still just the latest fad of the faithful being played to different advantages by opposing groups.

  3. Dave N says:

    I doubt they’ll ever drop it.

    Wherever the temperature goes, alarmists will blame it on humans. If it remains static, they’ll point to everyday extreme events and claim they’re “unprecedented”. If cooling occurs, they’ll find a way to blame that on humans, as they tried to 40 years ago.

  4. Nobama says:

    Scientology is still around…. and the Moonies too I think. If Jim Jones hadn’t poisoned all of his, they’d probably be doing something. Oh, yeah, that’s what the warmers wanna do too…. population control, choke off all resources…. huh. You’d almost think that they’re similar or something….

    • Mike Davis says:

      The People’s Temple is still around! Still based in California and divided into separate groups each claiming to be following the founding principles. Just like most religions !

  5. Sundance says:

    The UN wants 2% of all nations GDP. Figure out the amount of money at stake and my bet is they will never stop going after the money even if the temperatures drop 1C degree.

  6. JoeW says:

    Maybe if you morons could come up with some decent facts to show it needs to die… It would.. Until then.. Live with it…

  7. Sparks says:

    Is it not dead? they must have last stand selected as one of their perks!

  8. BarryW says:

    Over the short term they will latch onto the 60 year cycle and contend that the drop is just temporary and things will be even worse in the long run.

  9. Mohatdebos says:

    I think it is dying a slow death. More and more people are questioning the basic tenets of the religion. Unfortunately, believers have gained so much political power and money, they can defend their position for much longer. However, the tide has definitely turned. Just think, in two years we have gone from a House of Representatives that passed Cap & Tax legislation, to one that just voted to deny EPA the funding to impose Cap & Tax through regulation. Now we have to change the composition of Senate (we could use nore Inhofe), and the White House.

  10. Baa Humbug says:

    This will not go away in an instant, it will very slowly drift away.

    1st the public will walk away from it (they are)
    2nd the pollies will walk away from it (they are)
    3rd the MSM will drift away from it and sack their enviro reporters (beginning to happen)
    4th the decent scientists will walk away from it (they are, very slowly)
    5th the rusted on crooked scientists will hang on for dear life, slowly drift off into irrelevancy and go to their death bed still clinging on (can’t wait for that one)

  11. Andy Weiss says:

    Whatever the real temperature is, they will still try to claim it’s the warmest year on record. And they will have their true believers, even if they are buried in snow.

  12. slimething says:

    Anyone care to speculate how that will affect North America?? Holy smokes!

  13. Hyperzombie says:

    I have asked many warmist the same question. I always get the same answer back,”it is hap’ng now and it will get worse.” In my opinion it will never die, icebergs could be floating off the florida coast and they would say “it is only weather, dont you know the difference, it is hot in Greenland.”
    The therory of Global Warming/Climate Change/Thermo-destruction/ irritable climate syndrome/et al. is like a Zombie.

    A zombie is not much of a threat, more like a pain in the ass. (if you can walk fast)

    you cant explain the science to a Zombie (he doesnt care)

    no matter how many body blows you give to a zombie, he will just get up again

    zombies are single minded (they dont care about GDP, or stupid jobs)

    no matter how nice you are, Zombies still stink up the place

    so until the global temp drops to -150K, ( I know it is not possible, but at 0.5k, they will still say it is just weather, the warming is in the pipeline)

    F n Zombies

    • DEEBEE says:

      I always find the switch from climate to weather fascinating. We can tease trends from a chaotic system averages. We tell everyone that looking at smaller time scales is just arguing weather. Then we go back and start looking at weather (Arctic melting) to prove our point.

      And when Steve does that tomake fun we get “maroons” to come in and lecture about the climate.

  14. AndyW says:

    They’ll drop it when people use C rather than 18th F 😉


  15. Erik says:

    When the cows don’t come home?

    Brrrr – Denmark down to -15,9C this weekend

  16. anne says:

    It will be dropped only when they have bled us dry of any money we still have left, any dignity we still have left, when all of our children are on the psychiatric couch as they have been indoctrinated to believe their parents are responsible for destroying the planet, or more likely taken into care. When the majority of countries are living a boring, controlled, politically correct, risk free life. When people are not fat as they cannot afford to eat,(apart from politicians and the elites) when people do not use alcohol as it is too expensive to produce (no one can afford it, apart from politicians and the elites), when absolutely no one smokes (apart from politicians and the elites), and a lot of people have died as they cannot afford their energy bills to heat their homes (apart from politicians and the elites) and we all live in caves as our houses have been repossessed (apart from politicians and elites). Because what they know and what we never take on board is that money is just printed paper, nothing else, that is why they can go trillions in debt, it means nothing, we are being duped, defrauded, manipulated, blackmailed, stolen from, lied to, leading to a one world currency and one world government. The acceptance of the smoking ban was the start of it ‘let’s see how far they will accept control’, the end is worse, and I do not smoke!!

  17. Lazarus says:

    “How long does it take for a really useless religion to die? ”

    2000 years and still counting.

  18. Bruce says:

    “How long does it take for a really useless religion to die? ”

    If it is a religion, then how can it be taught in US schools and there be Federal funding for it? How about taking it to court and asking for prohibition of funding of this religion? If models are discounted, there is very little science to support the AGW concepts. It can be demonstrated that carbon dioxide captures infrared radiation over specific wavelengths, and measurements of infrared radiation has shown some variation over time, but the impacts on climate cannot be detected.

  19. Adam Selene says:

    They will never stop. They will claim that AGW predicted this winter’s cold and snow, and after the current La Nina runs its course and temperatures recover, they will say “See, it’s global warming, it’s unequivocal and the ‘science is settled.'”

  20. Paul H says:

    When the developed world has been overtaken by China, India and the rest who are ignoring this nonsense.

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