Penn And Teller Explain The Second Amendment


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Penn And Teller Explain The Second Amendment

  1. NoMoreGore says:


    I was really enjoying that when it came to a sudden end….

  2. Nobama says:

    Found an awesome gun store just 1 mi from my apt. Got a new Mossberg 930 semi-auto 12 g. EVERYBODY in that store is carrying. Certainly everyone behind the counter, about 6-8 people. My salesman was showing me a Glock 19 and pulled his shirt up to show me his own…

    …..very polite crowd. You would need a death wish to go in there intending to cause trouble. It really brought home your earlier statements.

    I’m in the city during the week. A range is a nice alternative to travelling into the country. 1 mi from my apt. sweet.

  3. Leif Rakur says:

    It is “the right of the people” to keep and bear arms for the security of a free state in the same sense that it was “the right of the people” to institute government as a free state in the first place (see the Declaration of Independence).

    In forming the government of a free state, it was those who were legally qualified to vote who did the work of the people. In keeping the state secure under the Second Amendment, it is those who are qualified, trained, and enrolled to bear arms in a well regulated militia who do the work of the people.

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