Puffington Host Doomed Cities : New York Washington San Francisco Miami New Orleans Tampa …..

The left permanently resides in a psychotic dream world.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Puffington Host Doomed Cities : New York Washington San Francisco Miami New Orleans Tampa …..

  1. Sleepalot says:

    That UA “study” by Weiss and Overpeck is worthless.

    Here’s what it shows for a 1 (one) metre sea-level rise in Bowness, Cumbria, UK;
    Here’s what Bowness looks like;
    and here’s how Bowness would look with 10 (ten) metres of sea-level rise;

  2. Philip Finck says:

    If that should actually be true then they will simply have to build 3 foot high dykes with appropriate pumping facilities. The dutch dike system is monsterous.

    3 feet. What a laugh. I could dig a 3 foot high dyke around my entire property in a month, by hand, with a pick and shovel, 15 cases of beer, and some country music.

    And what will probably be seen, i.e. one foot in the next hundred years, where I live and south along the US east coast, will probably be the same. And thatis the same as was seen in the last 100 years. Yawn!

  3. omnologos says:

    most of the Usa are doomed by antiscientific people writing against vaccinations, in the pages of the Huffington Post

  4. suyts says:

    “Miami, New Orleans, Tampa, Florida, and Virginia Beach, Virginia could lose more than 10 percent of their land area by century’s end, the study found.

    New York City, Washington DC and the San Francisco Bay area could face lesser impacts, according to the study.”

    I’ve been to those cities. Its ok, let it go through, this nation would probably be better off if they did “go under”.

  5. bubbagyro says:

    Upwards of 12 Billion people will die by year 2100 due to climate disruption. We have to act now and act fast!

  6. Justa Joe says:

    re: NYC

    “Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.” – Travis Bickle

  7. R. de Haan says:

    Puffington host is worth crap.
    Never do business with AOL or PUF.
    Just hold up the mirror that reflects their insanity.

  8. NoMoreGore says:

    All together now, read these words aloud:

    “The left permanently resides in a psychotic dream world.”

    …because this is precisely what drives CAGW “theory” and a host of other societal ills.

    Once we begin talking about this real issue, backed by reasoned evidence, the demon will emerge and show himself. All of the pseudoscience will fall away.

  9. PhilJourdan says:

    AO-Hell? Who listens to them?

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