Puffington Host : Half Of The Earth To Be Destroyed In The Next Ten Years!

If someone told all the parents of the world that there was a 98 percent chance that radical environmental changes in the next 10 – 50 years will wipe out half of all known life forms on earth, and that famine, plagues, floods and droughts on a scale not seen in thousands of years would become routine for billions of people, you would think they would tell their kids.

Well most climate scientists in the world have been telling us that, but we don’t do anything about it.


h/t to Tom Nelson and Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Puffington Host : Half Of The Earth To Be Destroyed In The Next Ten Years!

  1. Latitude says:

    that’s because the dip shits have been telling us that for 100 years……………

  2. GregO says:

    The planet is just fine. Kids have enough trouble just figuring out how to mature and become happy, balanced, productive adults without worrying about planet earth. The planet is just fine.


    All the panic is pathological.

  3. maguro says:

    No worries, still plenty of time left for Arianna to spend all that AOL dough.

  4. MikeTheDenier says:

    With the sun in a long term slumber and oceans cooling, add this to the mix and we may all be doomed to a warmcold hell.


  5. Dave N says:

    Is their name Ehrlich?

  6. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Apparently Arianna Huffington is doing ok though. She is $18 million richer from selling Puff to AOL. If she could get that much for her pathetic operation I wonder what Anthony could get for WUWT!

  7. truthsword says:

    Arianna was at least smart enough to get out now… lol

  8. Nobama says:

    Now with Komrade Puff at AOL, I may have to dump my mail address there. I won’t be able to stomach the splash page when I check my email. And they’re already censoring discussion on their “news” pages.

  9. Jeff K says:

    Only ten years left for fifty percent of all life forms? Well, if humans are in that doomed mix I can stop worrying about my pathetic 401k lasting me till I’m old-I’ll live like a king in that ten years.

  10. PhilJourdan says:

    2 reasons the author fails to understand.

    #1 – we are not children
    #2 – only idiots and tin foil hat folks have averred his crazy rant.

    Not even the “team” buys that kind of alarmism.

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