Puffington Host : Hot Oceans From Global Warming Doom Fish


In unrelated news, the boiling hot oceans are below normal temperatures.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Puffington Host : Hot Oceans From Global Warming Doom Fish

  1. R. de Haan says:

    I really wonder why AOL bought this crap store for the price of 315 million US dollar.

    You can find all the crap they write on the walls of any underground toilet room in Detroid for free.

  2. Baa Humbug says:

    Yeah hot and corals don’t go together, that’s why the worlds greatest coral reefs are in the Arctic and Antarctic. Very few coral reefs in the hot tropics.

  3. Charles Higley says:

    Hmmm. What do they huff at Huffington? Glue?

    They are obviously completely ignorant of marine biology or they would know that various organisms would simply move with the temperatures and there will always be a place where the different temperature preferences are to be found.

    The Common lobster, Homarus vulgaris, moves down the coast, south of Cape Hatteras, during warm phases and up the coast during cold. The lobstermen have know about this 70 year cycle on the Atlantic Coast for about 200 years.

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