“Punxsutawney Phil Cares Not for Global Warming”

It’s highly likely that the east coast, home to groundhog Phil and snotty liberals burdened by intellect alike, will be bombarded by another icy-slushy snowstorm Tuesday evening. Phil probably won’t dig out of his hole to make unassailable climate predictions for American citizens. He could be trapped under snow—in fact, he could be dead. “Look at these snowstorms! So this is what global warming is like! Let’s hang Al Gore in effigy.” Read this articleand read it thrice again so it really sinks.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Punxsutawney Phil Cares Not for Global Warming”

  1. peterhodges says:

    i think i saw that little guy in the garden.

    my wife defused the situation by crying, “ohhhh, you got poor little chipmunk blood on the lettuce……” and making me put the airgun away.

    but i am sure he still out there. just waiting for spring.

  2. Dave N says:

    It’s just a couple of flakes!

    I’ll give you a winter prediction: It’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be grey, and it’s gonna last you for the rest of your life..

  3. PJB says:

    The animal is wearing a &!#%! Nazi combat helmet?!

  4. BioBob says:

    Is not a nazi helmet – and anyway, that’s not a groundhog, it’s a Prairie Dog genus Cynomys not genus Marmota.

    Groundhogs are old hat – Prairie Dogs are the new hotness !!

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    I disagree! ANY excuse for a holiday is a good holiday! 😉

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