Radical Idea For Farmers : Make Plans Based On The Actual Climate, Not The Junk Computer Models From The Ivory Tower


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Radical Idea For Farmers : Make Plans Based On The Actual Climate, Not The Junk Computer Models From The Ivory Tower

  1. Me says:

    It’s Good to see Dr. Timothy Ball back after the scolding the AGW warmest put him through, but I guess since Climate Gate, Dr. Ball got much of the respect back they took from him. Keep up the fight Dr. Ball, I appreciate it as well as many others.

  2. I don’t think farmers are paying attention to global warming. They are 100% aware of what’s going on in climate. The only farmers that would repeat government propaganda about global warming are those that are subsidized by the government. These subsidies must be stopped to help save America. There just isn’t the money. They need to be cut from the budget!

  3. Mike Davis says:

    It is the Corporate farmers that benefit most from government subsidies and those that play the “Game”. Living in Appalachia I have heard the tales and met the people who abide and those who “Game the system”. Yes the subsidies should be stopped!
    It is good to see a reasonable voice being allowed to speak again!

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