The rules have been rigged in favor of alarmists for a long time. Let’s do this one on a level surface.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Yeah, right!
Gavin cuts and runs at even the hint of an equal debate, much less a physical confrontation. Fighting a FOIA is as much of a contest as he can muster. Besides, the far left relies on Union thugs and schizophrenic Kazcinsky violent types to do their “heavy lifting”.
He would shrink at arm wrestling with Judy Curry.
Hansen would do a better job……because he would probably have his arm handcuffed to the chair.
I’m 6’5″ and 250 lbs and I would shrink from arm wrestling Dr. Curry!
Gavin vs. Bastardi? My guess it would be along the lines of Sir Kenneth Clark vs. Jack Bodel except in that case Sir Kenneth Clark at least uttered something intelligent!
lol, yeh, let’s all reconcile! Hugs for everybody! Come on, group hug time!
Are you as sick of that garbage as I am……………………….
Yeh, it just pisses me off, more. While I lack Baa Humbug’s eloquence of bluntness, (he had a beaut, yesterday at Curry’s), I pretty much blame the other scientists for not stepping up to the plate.
We were left hanging by these johnny-come-latelys, now they want to come in and re-examine the science. Now they want to “build trust”……..whatever. I can list on one hand the names of scientists I’d trust. And anyone that now wants to come in and destroy the alarmists, that’s fine, I’ll cheer for them, but I’m never going to pretend they weren’t sitting on the sidelines while the rest of us were fighting the fight.
Damn they were only a couple of votes short in the senate.
I read most of the 3 threads at Climate ETC but refrained from responding. Bah Humbug was the correct response to the whole thing! There is nothing to reconcile and there is NO science to debate.
Smug looking Schitt isn’t he? Gavin that is , never Joe!! Is that a pink condom’s restaurant sign behind his head? It suits him.
I do believe it is, Sharp eye there!
Climate Change Dispatch, but ok, I guess you are not, or you would know that.
Gavin. The penis with ears! By the way, that is the “Seinfeld” restaurant!
Are you the Anne, I see over at CCD?
Look above this post, the one with Climate Change Dispatch in it.
Right, not me! I can only keep up with so many of these websites – CCD looks pretty good but after you read a few, much of the material becomes somewhat repetitive. Ones I regularly look at:
Real Science
Make it an intellectual battle and Bastardi will really kick his a#$.
I dunno. I was kinda looking forward to Joe using a piledriver on Gavin!
Depending on your ‘hood’ and your generation, The Old Fashioned may not mean arm wrestling.