Record Cold In Texas

Record cold hits Texas

AUSTIN (KXAN) – The wind chill dropped to subzero, the temps hit record lows in the teens, and Texas came under a hard freeze warning the likes of which this state has rarely seen.

Viewers sent in photos of toppled canopies, iced-over fountains, and some brilliantly frozen car washes. Take a look at our gallery, which we’ll update all week.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Record Cold In Texas

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    But not as cold as 100 years ago, in 1911, when Niagara Falls froze over

  2. colliemum says:

    Niagara Falls is in Texas now?

    Who knew …!


  3. MichaelM says:

    It’s been below freezing in Austin for about 72 hours and counting. Local weatherman said the record is 5 days, and we’re at 3 and counting. (And we’re getting 2 inches of snow tonight).


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