Romm : GOP Extremists Want To Poison Children With Toxic CO2

Warning : Kissing causes exchange of deadly CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Romm : GOP Extremists Want To Poison Children With Toxic CO2

  1. Mike Davis says:

    EPA is a typical government SNAFU! While some of the actions taken were necessary the overall damage to the economy caused by EPA restrictions makes the cure deadlier than the ILL!

    Stop funding for EPA, NOAA, DOE and the other FUBAR agencies we can no longer afford to waste money on!

  2. Lazarus says:

    Romm mentions pollution, not CO2. Misrepresentation?

  3. R. de Haan says:

    So does farting.

  4. NoMoreGore says:

    Newt stated he would defund the EPA. I think some of the early EPA work has led to a cleaner environment, and (I’m sure most agree) we don’t intend to pollute.

    But the RABID zealotry that environmentalism has become makes me think we need DRASTIC steps. I would support legislation that would stop every ten cent enviro wacko band of Soros zealots from obstructing every single development in our country. We need a way to control and administer a clean pro growth policy.

    • papertiger says:

      Making environmental lawsuits the exclusive right of local government, barring private legal firms from bring them, would put the ship back on course.

      Oh, and Joe Romm is a squid’s dick.

  5. Dave G says:

    Keep em coming Steve, Romm might have to worry more about a sitter for his kids if this Wisconsin thing spreads across the country, maybe he’ll be off line for awhile

  6. What? Someone said the EPA doesn’t call co2 a pollutant? Not only do they do that but they call all greenhouse gases pollution. So the EPA says H2O is pollution.

    Watch for yourself, and learn

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