Romm : Gore And Mann Are The True Faces Of Science

The temperature inside Romm’s head is now “millions of degrees.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Romm : Gore And Mann Are The True Faces Of Science

  1. Jake says:

    Yes, yes, throw eggs on Al Gore’s face, after all he is killing the planet for our children and our children’s children with his carbon bigfoot!

  2. Dave N says:

    Pity she didn’t have Joe on there.. would have really boiled his blood.

    Gore provides “accurate information”, eh? This is the same guy who essentially said it’s ok to lie (and he has).

    Can Joe’s credibility sink any lower? Seems like it can.

  3. Ralph says:

    College kids are smarter than I thought.

  4. BarryW says:

    Gore’s ignorance is only exceeded by his pomposity.

  5. suyts says:

    There is hope!!

  6. Charles Higley says:

    Nobel Prize for Science Fiction!
    And Mann is a charlatan/scam artists.

    Isn’t it nice the wonderful role models they want our youth to adore!
    It’s not disinformation when it’s true. People sure get heated when you challenge their faith. I have yet to hear or read of one of the warmists coming up with any real science. They just have faith that Gore and Mann are honest and on their side.

    • Mike Davis says:

      The first thing they need to realize is that Mann and Gore are not on their “Side”! Mann is on his own side and Gore is only concerned about the “Bottom Line” The ends justify the means! He does not care how he went about living in and owning a group of mansions and flying around in private jets. Typical Scam Artist!

  7. Justa Joe says:

    The cult of personality is strong amongst the Klimate Krank Krowd.

  8. Hal says:

    This headline is such a jaw-dropper that I am stumped to come up with a catchy counter analogy.

    If these guys are the true faces of science, then mankind has just taken a giant step in trying to re-visit the stone age.

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