Scotland Doomed To Warm Wet Winters And Hot Dry Summers

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Scotland Doomed To Warm Wet Winters And Hot Dry Summers

  1. suyts says:

    Man! The warmcold and drywet is really kicking in gear! Get out while you still can!!!!!!

  2. Sparks says:

    It’s disgusting that billions are spent on researching “climate change” when half a billion people in the world go to bed hungry at night.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    But I thought warming was making us colder, not warmer. Would you please make up your mind?

  4. Tallboys says:

    Warm Wet Winters, Hot Dry Summers. 25;50;75

    Mediterranean climate – and California, Perth (Australian one!).

    A lot of people think this is the best climate in the world.

    25 inches of rain; 50 degrees winter; 75 in summer.

    Why worry?

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