Serreze : Cold Caused By Heat

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Serreze : Cold Caused By Heat

  1. Mike Davis says:

    CNN needs to remove their cranium from their rectum because NSIDC stands for National SNOW and Ice Data Center!
    This is the same federally funded Playstation gaming so called work group that counts pixels from different resolution pictures over a short period and claim that by PFM the know what is happening in the polar regions!

  2. Baa Humbug says:

    There they go again, “absorbs more heat”. How much more heat you wankers?

    And if the severe winters of the last 3 years were predictable and consistent with their hypothesis, how come the early IPCC reports AR1 and AR2 of 1991 and 1995 didn’t mention the northern hemisphere would experience severe winters late in the 1st decade of the new millenium?

    Liars all of them. Dirty stinkin cheating liars with agendas.

  3. Airframe Eng says:

    warming causes snow…….”only a hypothesis that has yet to be demonstrated”….

    Maybe they can get to that…….right after they demonstrate the hypothesis of AGW…..

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      Apparently they are making money from just talking. The paycheck is proof of their hypothesis. If they couldn’t get money they would suddenly say their hypothesis has no proof.

  4. Perry says:

    Serreze inteviewed:

    “All right, so it’s getting warmer, and what is happening is that we’re not growing as much ice in winter as we used to be, but we’re melting a heck of a lot more in the summer than we used to.” Does this F.F.F mean: “All right, so it’s getting warmer, and what is happening is that Arctic sea ice is not growing as much in winter as it used to AND it’s melting a heck of a lot more in the summer than it used to do.”?

    If so, he is way behind the times.

    “it is reasonable to conclude that global warming (Please notice, not climate change nor climate disruption) has caused the unusually snowy weather in the eastern United States and Europe over the past two winters, but stresses that this is only a hypothesis that has yet to be definitively demonstrated.”

    He’s scrabbling to find any explanation, BECAUSE their precious climate models apparently could not predict negative Arctic Oscillations pushing the Jetstream south.

    “And that greatly warms up the Arctic relative to where it used to be–in other words, relative to, say, where we were 30 years ago. And what’s happening is that that is starting to change the sort of basic temperature gradients in the atmosphere that I talked about before.”

    Greatly warms? What’s he mean by that? ERA40 has yet to reach 275 K.

    “In their analysis of the Arctic sea ice extent for January 2001, which was posted on February 2, the scientists said there was an average of only 5.23 million square miles of ice covering the Arctic seas. That is the lowest average Arctic ice extent for January since satellites began recording Arctic sea ice in the late 1970’s.”

    Christopher Neefus is a complete doofus. He writes January 2001 and we read, “the average of only 5.23 million square miles of ice covering the Arctic seas. That is the lowest average Arctic ice extent for January since satellites began recording Arctic sea ice in the late 1970’s.”

    On 1st January 2011, AMSR-E showed 12 million square miles, rising to 13.5 million square miles on 31st January 2011. The 5.23 million square miles of ice is the approximate figure for summer ice over the last 9 seasons, a fact Doofus would be aware of, if he bothered to do any basic research.

    ““Maybe this is a transient thing that we’re seeing,” he said. “Maybe it’s that at the state of the sea ice cover we see now, this is the response of the atmosphere. Maybe 20 years down the road, it changes. We don’t know. In other words, what I’m saying, just getting rid of more ice doesn’t mean that winters in New York City are going to become colder and snowier with time. It doesn’t necessarily mean that.”

    “But it could?” asked.

    “Well, yeah, I mean as a scientist, of course, we’re very circumspect about these sorts of things and love to couch these things in uncertainty, because these are the things we damn well don’t know.”

    OK , then there is no reason to ask this F. F. F. anything ever again as he’s a complete waste of space and him believing what he does, he should cut his own CO2 emissions, permanently.

  5. Paul H says:

    Well at least the hippie is honest:-

    “Well, yeah, I mean as a scientist, of course, we’re very circumspect about these sorts of things and love to couch these things in uncertainty because these are the things we damn well don’t know.”

    Perhaps if he wants to investigate further, he should start by getting his XBox to work out why 10 years ago we were having mild winters when arctic ice was no different to now.

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      the hippie….

      The first impression I got when saw him a couple years ago is that he was from the 60’s. Then I understood his alarmism over the environment. What is ironic to me is that these alrmists from the baby boomer generation who wanted to get “the man” of their back are now the people we are trying to get off our backs.

  6. Perry says:

    Ouch! Why FFS do Americans translate metric figures into Imperial? AMSR-E figures are expressed in Sq. Kms & I fell into the trap. Steve, please delete previous comment as it’s complete bollocks. Thanks.

  7. Paul H says:

    “And that greatly warms up the Arctic relative to where it used to be–in other words, relative to, say, where we were 30 years ago. ”

    Now I wonder why the hippie cherry picks 30 years ago?

  8. Sundance says:

    I’m trying to imagine another profession where unsupported ideas would be offered to the the public. Imagine if your doctor said, “I have no x-rays, CTs, AGs or bloodwork but I hypothesize that your chest pain is probably caused by tight shirts from shrunken laundry.”

    The funny thing is that if Serreze had told this reporter the snow is a resul of a drop in the flux capacitor index, the repoter would have printed it.

  9. Jimbo says:

    “pushing cold Arctic air down over the eastern United States and Europe.”

    Utter crap! The article forgot to mention Russia and China. ;>)

    I would like to see the real, actual figures for the heat during this winter both in the Arctic air and sea.

  10. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    It should say, “Stupid caused by money and fame.”

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