Shock News : Carbonated Beverages Contain Massive Amounts Of EPA Designated Toxin CO2

Each time you open up a beer you inhale large amounts of a toxic gas, and you kill a Polar Bear. And probably a couple of Penguins. And a Pika, and some fish in Fresno. And you drown an island. You also kill corals and Wolverines.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Shock News : Carbonated Beverages Contain Massive Amounts Of EPA Designated Toxin CO2

  1. Dave N says:

    Yeah.. I wonder how soon the EPA will jump on individuals for carbonated drink consumption.. or even the producers of said products that are pushing the products on the poor individuals.

  2. suyts says:

    The guilt is driving me to drink!

  3. suyts says:

    If they start screwing with my beer, I’ll just go back to making my own. 15 minutes to beer:30 !!!!!!!!

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Your house plant may notice the difference even if you don’t!

  5. GregO says:

    Oh the wolverines! Think of the wolverine children (pups?)!

  6. Ralph says:

    Why is it NO ONE worries about the poor warthog? Hug a warthog today!!

  7. Nobama says:

    All those animals need to die someday. Let em buy their own beer.

  8. L Nettles says:

    I sent a Diet Coke™ to Lindsey Graham and I still haven’t been visited by Homeland Security

    • suyts says:

      lol, just lucky prob. Black helicopters to be at your house soon!!!!!

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      I still haven’t been visited by Homeland Security….. Black helicopters…..

      If you had shaken it before sending then you’d disappear in the middle of the night. When they came for L Nettles over a Diet Coke™ I didn’t say anything……


  9. whoopie says:

    Hint to the EPA, CO2 isn’t a toxin. Medical science calls it a suffocant. Carbon Monoxide on the otherhand is toxic, it’s poisonous.

    Apparently the know-it-alls at the EPA flunked biology class.

  10. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    When I was a kid my friends brother had a van, and man, we opened a lot of beers in that wall to wall carpeted thing. We were lucky to survive.

  11. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    How many flavors of co2 is Sam Adams making?

  12. timheyes says:

    No one has said it yet.

    They can take my beer from me when they pry it from my cold dead hand.

  13. IceColdTroll says:

    Oh my God, they are really getting desperate, aren’t they?

  14. C2Shining C says:

    Now EPA is going after our ice makers in the fridge. Takes too much energy to make ice. All that will be left is flat, warm beers and soft drinks.

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