Shock News From The BBC : The Arctic Ice Cap Was Melting Before The SUV Was Invented

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Shock News From The BBC : The Arctic Ice Cap Was Melting Before The SUV Was Invented

  1. Mike Davis says:

    That must have been a really big lake to raise the sea level that much. I do believe they are simplifying history. There are records of regional major glacial lake wash outs all over Europe and North America during the period of warming from the last glacial maximum.

  2. suyts says:

    Yuh huh, I’m sure it happened exactly like that. The certitude of these people are something else.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Got any videos to back that up?

  4. What? Oh… it’s from the BBC.

  5. lapogus says:

    Yes, the BBC showing their poor environmental journalism skills again. They are presumably referring to the Storegga Slide, which was a very large sub-sea land slide off Norway 6100BC. It did generate a very large tsunami, which did reach at least 30 miles inland from the Scottish east coast. However, once the waves passed and receded, there will not have been any increase in sea level, so who ever wrote this is clueless. As for the tsunami having any influence on the national character, no, I don’t think so:

    “Och jings crivens, there’s eh muckle wave comin fae affa Norway which is gaun tae rage inland fir aboot 25 mile; weel huv tae ca’ aff next week’s shinty geme agin thon Picts fae Hibernia…”.

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