Some Climate Scientists Who Got It Right In 1978


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Some Climate Scientists Who Got It Right In 1978

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    Got to track those people down

  2. chris y says:

    There is a bio on Leona Libby here-

    “Leona Marshall Libby (1919 – 1986) was a founder of high-energy physics.”

    Among other things-
    “She was one of the only women who worked on the Manhattan Project”

    “She was especially excited when she discovered that tree rings could measure ancient climates.”

    “In 1970, although still living in Boulder, Libby became a visiting professor at the University of California at Los Angeles’s School of Engineering, where she helped develop the department of environmental science and engineering. She left Boulder two years later to move to Los Angeles and become an adjunct professor there.”

    “She was a staunch endorser of nuclear energy, defending its use until the day she died.”

  3. Jim Cole says:

    Well, it’s clear why she left Boulder – before LeRoy Moore came with the tar and feathers.

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    I wonder if she knew Freeman Dyson? They were off by a few years but they had the idea right. And it appears their work wasn’t dependent upon global warming funding.

  5. Paul H says:

    You cannot expect them to get the science right before they realised how much grant money they were missing out on.

  6. Willem de Lange says:

    I think the study referred to was published as
    Libby, L.M., and L.J. Pandolfi. 1979. Tree thermometers and commodities: Historic climate indicators. Environment International 2, no. 4: 317-333. DOI: 10.1016/0160-4120(79)90007-2.

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